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Computer hacking is a very real issue that is becoming weaponized and could potentially destroy critical systems. 

Biotechnology is accelerating quickly, mostly because the resource occur in nature, and the technology to make it a weapon are rapidly developing. Using biotech for warfare is a serious ethicical issue with dangerous potential. 

Nanotechnology is on the rise and growing smaller everyday. However, this technology is leading into serious issues concerning privacy. 

   As technological capabilities around the world increase, so does the potential for the weaponization of these technologies. Technology and war have always gone hand-in-hand, with rival countries constantly attempting to come up with the most powerful weapons imaginable. In today’s day and age, where nearly everything is connected to some sort of computer system, the weaponization of technology is becoming easier, and less risky. Years ago, to attack another nation, we would have to send troops to attack.


   Now, a team of well-funded hackers can access the computers that control nuclear weapons manufacturing plants and destroy parts of these plants without being detected, hack a single individual via nanotechnology, and even launch a biotechnology war based on the dispersal of viruses.  The weaponization of technology has the potential to change war into something we never thought imaginable.


Computer Systems
Video Credit: Top 10
New Technology For Weapons 
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